How Can Poor Oral Health Affect the Rest of the Body?

Did you know that our oral health can impact our overall well-being? Yes, it’s true. Bad oral health doesn’t just affect how our teeth look or bad breath, but it can also result in many serious health issues. When oral health is not good, the mouth bacteria enter the body. The bacteria create various health issues. Regular dental checkups are crucial. It keeps you updated about your oral and what necessary steps you can take. If you want, you can visit a dentist in Hialeah for this. If you still don’t care much about your oral health, you must check this blog to learn how poor oral health affects the rest of the body. The Top Health Issues Caused by Bad Oral Health Ignoring your oral health means you’re inviting various health problems unknowingly. Tooth Decay and Gum Disease: Tooth decay and gum disease are two of the most common consequences of poor oral hygiene. When you don’t brush and floss regularly, harmful bacteria in your mouth can lead to cavities and inflame...